The Courier-Gazette, 06/10/08
The Knox County Bar Association received a request from the Campaign for Justice for funding to create a Campaign for Justice informational video. This video would be an easily accessible and low-cost means for the Campaign to communicate its mission - to increase access to legal services for disadvantaged Maine people by raising funds on behalf of six legal aid organizations (Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic, Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project, Legal Services for the Elderly, Maine Equal Justice Partners, Maine Volunteer Lawyers Project and Pine Tree Legal Assistance). The Campaign was created in 2004 to increase access to justice for low income and elderly Maine citizens.
In response to this request, the Knox County Bar Association agreed to donate $400 towards the cost of the project. This donation represents a substantial portion of the total cost for the video. The KCBA plans to post this video on its website later this year. The President of the KCBA, Don Briggs said, "The attorneys of Knox County fully support the critical role of these legal aid organizations; especially in these difficult economic times."
The Campaign helps to fund the work of legal aid providers, which collaborate to insure the availability of a comprehensive, integrated network of legal services for low income and elderly Maine citizens throughout the entire state. Some examples of those the providers serve: A mother and her children face illegal eviction from their home; a victim of domestic violence needs assistance obtaining a court order of protection; a disabled worker has been illegally denied medical benefits; an older couple faces separation after a lifetime together because of government regulations for long-term care.
The 2006 Annual Report has some terrific stories of individuals and families who have attained access to justice thanks to the providers. You can learn more about the Campaign for Justice by visiting