Knox County Bar Association Enjoys an Evening of Art at the Farnsworth Art Museum
October 12, 2007

“This is a first for us,” said Attorney Don Briggs, President of the Knox County Bar Association, last Friday evening as he surveyed the Farnsworth Art Museum library filled with members and their guests eating dessert, drinking champagne and heading off into the galleries to view the museum’s acclaimed collection of art. Briggs explained, “We’ve had traditional get-togethers before, but we wanted to do something different, and nothing compares to having a private showing of art work of this caliber.” Attorney and Farnsworth Board Member Ed Miller worked with Museum staff to arrange for the private showing that took place on the evening of October 12th. “We’re really lucky to have a top rated museum here in the midcoast, and I have to say that the Farnsworth’s willingness to allow us to be here tonight says a lot about the value the museum places on community,” said Miller. The Knox County Bar Association has been in existence since about 1860 as an informal gathering of local attorneys holding a banquet the few times a year that a Superior Court Justice would travel to Rockland to conduct trials. In 1923 the Knox County Bar-Library Association was formally established by an Act of the Maine Legislature, and has been meeting to enjoy friendships outside the courtroom ever since. Association Treasurer, Attorney Randall Watkinson, summed up the evening, saying “In the courtroom we might be adversaries, but tonight, with family and friends, we’re just folks who also happen to be lawyers, getting together for a great time.”