Month: December 2014


ROCKPORT - Attorney Bill Maddox was recently elevated to be President of the Knox County Bar Association.  Bill primarily focuses on appellate work.  He has won cases at every state and federal court level from judge trials in Knox County District Court and jury trials in Knox County Superior Court, to the United States Supreme Court.  His victory at the United States Supreme Court concerned a question of federal criminal jury instructions.  His most recent victory at the Maine Supreme Judicial Court concerned a successful defense of a divorce matter where he had won primary residence of children for his client at the trial level.  Bill has traveled to over 44 countries on five continents.  He sat in on appellate cases in Edinburgh Scotland and Sydney Australia.  Bill has a Masters in History from the College of William & Mary in Virginia.  His thesis on President Eisenhower's decision to not intervene in Vietnam at Dien Bien Phu in May 1954, was going to form the basis of the first chapter on presidential decision making by George Stephanopoulos and Todd Brewster.  Bill was a member of the Washing & Lee University Law Review, where he published an article on the legality of economic sanctions under principles of international law.  Writing is in his blood as he is a cousin of George Plimpton, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Edwin Ginn founder of Ginn & Co. Book publishers.  Bill's great-great-grand uncle was Otis Ingraham, who was Captain of the ship Pentagoet which was lost during the Gale of '98 while carrying toys for the children of Rockland, Maine from New York City.  Bill was a triple major at Colby College where he was manager of the Colby Hockey Team.  Bill grew up in Dover, Massachusetts and graduated from the Roxbury Latin School in Boston.

During Governor Baldacci's trade mission to France, Bill conducted a meeting with the curator of the Marmottan Museum in Paris.  Bill negotiated a lending of paintings from the Marmottan to Maine, but no Maine museum could afford the insurance.  Bill has lectured on his cousin General Adelbert Ames, as well as on French Impressionism and Magna Carta.  Bill continues to practice state and federal criminal law, divorce and personal injury law from his office overlooking Rockport Harbor.  If not practicing law or writing, Bill would like to have played left field for the Boston Red Sox or worked for the front office of the New England Patriots.

Posted by kcba